All the Shots from TAC PA 2021 Nock On Course
Every Total Archery Challenge presents epic shots requiring archers to be at the top of their game. Each target set on the Nock On Course at a Total Archery Challenge is set in such a way to teach archers important lessons. It is more than simply getting to the stake and making the shot. It is about observing and evaluating each and every shot to make sure you make the proper adjustments so that you can execute the perfect shot.
The lesson here is when you step up to a target, regardless of the target or the event, evaluate your surroundings and analyze every detail of the shot. Then, make the necessary adjustments and go through your shot cycle. In this video, you will see John Dudley executing every shot on the Nock On Course at the 2021 Total Archery Challenge in 7 Springs, PA.