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A Tool That's Sure to Increase Your Hunting Success

There’s a lot of John Dudley’s progression through his hunting career that he’s never really discussed. It was a progressive journey that started on a small family place that grew into public hunting and eventually was slowly built into understanding private land hunting. Although Dudley has never gone into detail on this in the past, it all surfaced during a recent passion project with the HuntWise App Team. This awesome discussion happened as Dudley sat down with the incredibly talented and knowledgable, Matt Read. Read takes Dudley and the viewers on an in depth tour of the powerful HuntWise app and all of the incredible features it provides to hunters to make them more knowledgeable and more successful. As they navigated the app, Dudley had memories surface that are such critical steps for new hunters to hear. It is a podcast that will really help hunters know how to climb the ladder from newbie to seasoned pro. As an added bonus to our podcast listeners, HuntWise is giving the Nock On Nation a 25% discount off the HuntWise app, which can be found at Go check it out! You won’t regret it!