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One very important lesson I learned as a professional 3D archer was the importance of one arrow. The 3D game was all about one arrow and one target, which is very relative in the bowhunting world. When you are shooting a single shot, and then scoring that single arrow, you quickly learn to seize the moment of one shot. If you shoot multiple arrows at your target, it’s easy to focus on all the good shots versus the one or two that missed. However, if those wayward arrows were your first shots, it could very easily result in missed opportunities in the hunting woods.

A great practice drill that I like to run is to shoot one arrow each at multiple random distances. If you have a 4-arrow quiver, for example, shoot an arrow at 20, then 30, 40 and 50. For the next round, do the same thing but in reverse order starting with the longest shot and working back to the shortest. Keep in mind, you don’t necessarily have to have a 3D target to do this drill, any target will do. The key factor is to focus intently on making the one-shot count. No mulligans. You want to avoid thinking of this as a repetition practice. This is a drill totally focused on becoming a one-shot wonder.

John Dudley of Nock On Archery butchering a bull elk harvested in Utah during the bowhunting season.
The sweet reward of a well placed arrow.