SIX SHOOTER STAMINA- Building Blocks For Archers
One of the things I learned from International competition was the importance of higher reps per practice round. By making 6 arrow rounds I quickly learned that my stamina was weaker than I thought. This resulted in lower scores at the end of the day when I was burning out. In a hunting situation, this is relative to being long into a hunt and not having the strength to make a solid shot when it really mattered. By working up to being able to make 6 great shots without fatigue you will unlock a new level in your abilities. As I personally continue my winter training and just begin the 6 Shooter Rounds you will see in the video that my last arrow isn’t what I needed it to be. It’s proof positive why this is a needed training principle. If you fast forward a few weeks in my training I’m certain you wouldn’t see that last arrow being a struggle and missing the mark. As you watch this video take note of the opening video overlay with all 6 reps. Notice the variations in timing. This shows my current flaws and what I will work on for several weeks or more and eventually these will get closer together in repeatability! The goal is that all of them will be activating within a second or two of each other. It’s clear the added reps for this drill shows a clear flaw! Learn from my mistakes! Good luck.