When it comes to missing, mindset is everything
As the new season begins it’s very easy to get down on yourself for underperforming in the practice range or at a tournament. What I’ve learned over the years is that “missing” is part of the game or at least it has been for me. If you let those errors affect the rest of your training then you will have a hard time getting out of a slump and downward spirals will just continue to develop. I have found that my missed arrows are a result of flaws that I have in technique and self induced pressure from never expecting errors is hard to live with. If you embrace those flaws and look at them positively so that you can use those mistakes to prevent the future ones then your mental strength will grow. As a rule of thumb I always assume I will make a mistake here or there so when I do I just think to myself “Ok, now that I got that out of the way, how do I learn from it?” and move on. There’s already enough pressure in archery and hitting the bullseye so there’s no need at adding internal pressure on yourself from over expectation.